Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Tuesday, April 04, 2017
AMP For WordPress: The Inside Scoop [Upcoming Webinar]
AMP For WordPress: The Inside Scoop [Upcoming Webinar]
Darcy Wheeler 4.4.2017
AMP, also known as Accelerated Mobile Pages, is an open source project that aims to make the website a better place by enabling faster web pages that are aesthetically pleasing. If you’re a site owner, marketer, or developer, now has never been a better time to catch up to speed with this technology. In an upcoming webinar, you’ll learn exactly what AMP is and how to incorporate it into WordPress.
Join Yoast SEO’s Joost de Valk and WP Engine’s David Vogelpohl on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. CT for an hour session that goes in-depth on AMP for WordPress. Sign up here:
I wish I had kept up on the web tech, but it just ran away from me when I paused for life.
This will help prep you for the future, so if you make or have WordPress sites then you should watch.
It’s free.
Monday, April 03, 2017
Two Blues Legends for One Great Cause
Buy Tickets
Blues Blast Magazine · PO Box 721 · Pekin · Illinois · 61554 www.bluesblastmagazine.com |
Jimmy D. Lane - Entire Concert - Violet's Venue Jan 9 2016
Jimmy D. Lane -(Son Of Jimmy Rogers,Best blues guitarist)-Entire Concert@Violet's Venue Jan 9 2016
J-P Hurtubise
Published on Jan 25, 2016
This concert was recorded with I Phone 6s+ 128 gb .It's a little shaky sometimes since i was holding it the whole night.concert was at Violet's Venue in Barrie,Ontario,Canada.Great place to see some great blues Musicians.Jimmy D Lane is an excellent blues guitarist from chicago now living in Vancouver.his father Jimmy Rogers(Aka-Jimmy A. Lane) was a big blues chicago player in the 50's and 60's playing with muddy waters,hubert sumlin,he tells a good story about hubert being his mentor and such.Got to talk to the man and what a gentlemen he was.
1st set & 2nd Set.
2.Mary had a little lamb(Stevie Ray Vaughan,Buddy Guy)
4.Bad Boy
6.What makes people
9.Tell Me(Stevie Ray Vaughan)
10.Killing floor(howlin' Wolf-Dedicated to his mentor Hubert Sumlin).
11.Hey joe(Jimi Hendrix)
12.The sky is crying(Albert King,Stevie Ray Vaughan)
13.Tell me baby(Jimmy Rogers song)
14.pride and joy(Stevie Ray Vaughan)
15.White room(half missed)Bathroom Break,sorry
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Mama mia!
The Ballad of Ira Hayes - Johnny Cash
The Ballad of Ira Hayes by Johnny Cash
Misty Lynn
Published on May 28, 2015I was looking up information on Ira Hayes for a project when I found this song by Johnny Cash. I felt immediately and deeply uncomfortable - is this any way to talk about a national hero? It seemed exceedingly dishonorable to discuss Ira's service hand-in-hand with his alcoholism, and to reify a mainstream narrative about Indigenous men (that they are commonly drunk; that it is acceptable to call a serviceman and veteran Drunken "Name" if they are Indian). At the same time, I was intrigued by the way Johnny captured some of the nuances of Ira's story. Being uncomfortable with this song and the narrative representation of Ira Hayes, I decided to spend more time with it. I have no love for war, and I'm not traditionally "patriotic" except that i am proud to be American Indian and I believe we must honor our veterans. So this video is a tribute to a complex man, with a complex song, by another complex man.
Clips from Flags of Our Fathers, copyright to Clint Eastwood etc.
Art & Photographs: The Ballad of Ira Hayes:
The Ballad of Ira Hayes: http://monazimba.fr/non-classe/ballad...
We Remember Ira Hayes: https://lesconcepts.wordpress.com/tag...
Sonoran Dusk:http://www.usapics.net/sonoran-dusk-o...
Reclamation & Arizona: http://www.usbr.gov/lc/phoenix/AZ100/...
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Johnny will always be my hero, from my toddler days :)
Friday, February 10, 2017
Great Puffin Nebula Print On Sale!
It's my Great Puffin Nebula poster on sale... use STUCKONYOU40

Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Four Strange Fractal Postcards
Share your strangest news with your weirdest friends... with help from my latest anomalistic art...
Strange Object
This fractal nebula-like object has some very strange linear features at it's center, which are of interest to scientists. The interest for most will be the fascinating region at the top. What is it, we wonder? Is there life there?The Fold
The Fold is one of the strangest objects in outer space. A sheet of energetic plasma has folded in on itself. Scientists don't know what to make of it.Greenie, Close Up!
A zoomed in look at The Green Anomaly, which is a fanciful fractal rendition of a strange and energetic nebula-like area deep in outer space. Very deep.Purple Anomaly
The Purple Anomaly is a fanciful fractal rendition of a strange, energetic nebula-like region located far out into the depths of outer space.Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Zero Tolerance for Peace At Drone Convention.
This little demonstration at a meeting of murderers shows exactly what the political dirtbags and military industrial complex think of human life.
Well, I don't think much of their lives, either, especially the pompous prick known as “Representative” Dana Rohrabacher of California, shown refusing to do his sworn duty near the end.
We should, at best, lock these people up. Every damn one of them.
Here is a snippet from Zen-Havens article,
Keep reading here, it gets worse.
Well, I don't think much of their lives, either, especially the pompous prick known as “Representative” Dana Rohrabacher of California, shown refusing to do his sworn duty near the end.
Uploaded by codepinkaction on Sep 23, 2011
The Congressional Unmanned Systems Caucus (better known as the Drone Caucus) led by US Congressman Buck McKeon (R-CA) hosted a drone convention in the Rayburn Congressional building in Washington DC on September 21, 2011. The convention was a showcase display of glorified killing machines that have reshaped the entire notion of warfare, and CODEPINK had no choice but to take action and remind those at the convention what important information they were missing.
We should, at best, lock these people up. Every damn one of them.
Here is a snippet from Zen-Havens article,
At Drone Convention, Zero Tolerance for Peace
By Medea Benjamin
When are we, as a nation, going to have a frank discussion about drones and remote-controlled killing?
One might think that such a dialogue could take place when thousands of people come together, once a year, at the gathering of the Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI). Wrong.
But AUVSI, the lobby group for the drone industry, brooked no dissent at its August 6-9 Las Vegas Convention. When I, as author of a new book Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control, tried to rent a room at the Convention Center to give a presentation on my book, AUVSI vetoed my request.
When I tried to register as a journalist, I was told that I did not meet their criteria, but they refused to say what that criteria was. And after registering online as a normal participant and paying the $200 fee, when I appeared to get my badge I was yanked off the line, surrounded by police, and told I would be arrested if I set foot in the Convention Center during the duration of the gathering.
Keep reading here, it gets worse.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Bear Baiting - South Carolina’s Shame
To all South Carolina crackers... fuck you. Got it? Sick, depraved sub human crap, you all are.
Uploaded by hsus on Aug 24, 2010
Bear baiting, also known as "bear baying" by some, is a cruel spectator event where participants release their dogs to attack a tethered, captive bear, who has had her claws and some of her teeth cut off, leaving her defenseless.
Outlaw Bear Baiting in South Carolina! http://www.causes.com/causes/40328-wspa-put-an-end-to-bear-baiting/actions/1668713
To: Nikki Haley, South Carolina Governor and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Defenseless bears have no rights and are attacked for the cruel pleasure of spectators. Bear baiting needs to be stopped. We demand that South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley outlaw and criminalize bear baiting in the state to put an end to this practice.
Bear baiting (also called bear baying) pits a declawed and defanged bear which is chained to a stake against hunting dogs that bark and bit at it while hundreds of people watch. Spectators consider this event entertainment and hunters consider this as a training regimen for their animals. As countries around the world ban events such as bullfighting and cockfighting, Pakistan and South Carolina (USA), are two remaining places that haven't criminalized the practice. Sign the petition today to help put an end to this "sport".
Monday, July 23, 2012
Which CEO made $5 million stealing your kid's lunch money?
Published on Jul 19, 2012 by bravenewfoundation
ALEC is working to ensure that public education dollars get diverted to private profits. Their approach is working -- for them. Not so much for the students who pay the price in the form of a subpar education and poor performance.
So disgusting. I am especially horrified to see that my state, Connecticut, has accepted this utter garbage.
If only the revolution would start...
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