Reprinting from What's All This, Then?, due to its significance.
Now just look at this picture... for a bit... let it sink in... that my friends is a Global Hawk, an unmanned self-flying death machine courtesy of the powers that be... painted to look like an AA airliner. Is this the very Global Hawk that left its little engine's rotor on the Pentagon lawn? That's really creepy. And that makes me wonder... do these technicians realize just exactly what it is that they are really doing? My God...
This image alone should get you to read the complete article. Seriously.
I am a strong supporter of the work that Craig Ranke and his Citizen Investigation Team (CIT) have done regarding events at the Pentagon. They've incontrovertibly shown that an airliner simply could not have hit the Pentagon and that the damage to the building concurs with that fact. They've also proven that the 'downed' light poles and the ludicrous taxi incident were staged. Ranke feels that explosives in the building caused the damage and that no aircraft of any kind struck.
That creepy photo above, though, coupled with what little evidence we have from the scene, along with Rumsfeld stating that a missile hit the building, has got my brain turned all kinds of ways... as it may very well mean that the above pictured missile actually did strike the Pentagon, for although the required maneuvers are quite impossible for an airliner to achieve, those same acrobatics were not so at all for this platform.
Hence it is within the realm of plausibility that the decoy plane seen up close and personal by the eyewitnesses interviewed by CIT, which flew away behind the fireball, was timed to coincide with the arrival of this device... and not to internally planted explosives. Also keep in mind that none, yes, none, of the people heard from in the news coverage on that day were "regular guys," but instead all employees of the media giants.
Well, I've gotten carried away a bit by being riveted to that image. I apologize. I don't want to take away from the article's main story, which, obviously is the fact that American Airlines itself has finally told the truth and owned up to the fact that those flights so critical to the official story never happened. Thank you AA for living up to your name. That's huge. And without those planes being in the air, the entire government line falls to dust, just like the thousands of innocent people they killed in carrying out their sick "new Pearl Harbor." Like it says in the sidebar, no planes crashed anywhere on September 11th, 2001. Period. Deal with it.
I like this Len Hart. He thinks like me and our attitudes seen similar in more than one area. Also covered in the article are many of the other aspects of 9/11 including the revelation by United Airlines on the day that it had landed, the towers, mainstream medias apparent difficulty in keeping to the timeline of their scripts, and what we'd all like to see happen. There are a bunch of good comments and there's a nice list of resources to cap it off.
Ready? Here you go...
AA Exposes Bush's 'Big Lie': Flight 11 DID NOT FLY on 911!
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
American Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the the government's crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will have to concoct yet another cover story from the ground up! A cover up is on the brink of collapse when those guilty of capital crimes and high treason either turn on one another or are forced to revise the lie!If neither flight was in the air as American Airlines itself has so stated, then numerous 'official versions' of the 'official conspiracy theory' are all a pack of malicious lies. That includes almost every statement made by Bush. It is, in my opinion, probable cause to indict Bush and his co-conspirators for the crimes of mass murder and high treason.
WikiScanner discovered that American Airlines changed their Wikipedia entry to state that Flights 11 and 77 did not fly on 9/11. The original entry was as follows:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: American Airlines Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and American Airlines Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).
New entry is as follows and includes the bolded text below:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).
Although these flights were daily departures before and a month after September 11, 2001. Neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day. --Wikipedia
To make the point: the source for these change is American Airlines by making changes to Wikipedia. The 'story' is not Wiki. The story is not about Wiki. The story is about how AA 'corrected' a wiki entry. The story is about the fact that the evidence that Flights 11 and 77 were not flying on 911 comes from American Airlines itself.
According to a Freedom of Information Act reply from the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), the last known pre-9/11 flights for three of the four aircraft involved in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 took place in December, 2000, nine months before the attacks, while no pre-9/11 final flight information was provided for American Airlines flight 77 (N644AA).
However, a searchable online BTS database produces the following search results for three of the four 9/11 aircraft on September 10, 2001:
AA 11 departs San Francisco (SFO): AA 09/10/2001 0198 (flight number) N334AA (tail number) BOS (destination) 22:04 (wheels-off time)
UA 175 departs San Francisco (SFO): UA 09/10/2001 0170 (flight number) N612UA (tail number) BOS (destination) 13:44 (wheels-off time)
UA 93 departs San Francisco (SFO): UA 09/10/2001 0078 (flight number) N591UA (tail number) EWR (destination) 23:15 (wheels-off time)--911 Blogger, UPDATE: U.S. BTS FOIA Records For 9/11 Planes Differ From BTS Online Database [The records were obtained by Adrian Monaghan]
Anyone trying to prove that Flights 77 and 11 were not flying on 911 would have to verify that proposition through authoritative sources that could confirm it. The question is raised: how do we know who made the changes to Wiki? Everyone logged on to the internet does so from an IP address. In this case, the IP is that of American Airlines. It's traceable.
My own WHOIS lookup as well as a Google search of the IP address proves conclusively that it was --indeed --American Airlines itself that made the change. It is American Airlines --by way of Wiki --that has said that neither Flight 11 nor Flight 77 were in the air that day.
Therefore, the Bush theory of 911 is a deliberate lie. My look up returned the following: [...]
Continue reading the article, as it gets ever so much deeper. Ever so much.
We must insist, and I mean insist, on bringing these heinous, treasonous, murdering thugs to justice. What they did not only ruined America, but ruined the whole damn world. I personally feel that Obama is just another Bush, working to further the criminal aims set forth before him... and so far his actions would seem to indicate just that. Maybe this will prompt him into foregoing his handler's orders and boldly taking actions that We The People will be truly proud of.
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